"We would love if our personalities get unnoticed by the mankind, but actions."
"અમે ઇચ્છીએ કે દુનિયા અમારું નામ યાદ ન રાખે પરંતુ કાર્ય આગળ વધારે."


In the 21st century, when computers have become an integral art of human life, the computer literacy has to be brought to the kids when they are still young. To accomplish this, AIREP restarted the computer center in the village after initial hiccups.

A tiny step, which is soon to turn into a big leap aims at generating curiosity about the computers among the community. The computer center is hosting 25 enthusiastic young students to learn computers in a special training program of 7 weeks to be imparted by AIREP VTs.

The computer center has brought a lot many goodies in its kitty along with computer literacy. Knowledge of English being a pre-requisite for using computers, even the command over English language has started improving.

Unless the local community develops a feeling of attachment and ownership towards the center, its success seems foggy, but the ripples created by this initiative have also instilled a sense of responsibility among the kids who have participated right from the beginning when the connections were being set up and the center was being cleaned.

It is very evident that the computer center has come up in the village not just with a view to educating the kids and imbibing the community development values in them, but also with a view to empowering the villagers financially, because empowerment through education followed by employment always finds its way to the people's hearts. The training program having begun on March 9, 2012 is going to find its conclusion as a BPO company offering employment to the kids above 14 years of age in the village. The center is going to act as a catalyst for employment opportunities in the villages by becoming a bridge between the whopping demand of the cities and the vast untapped potential of the villages.